Goshen Student Ministries
The Goshen Student Ministry (GSM) strives to connect middle and high school students to Christ through the study of God's Word, that they may grow in genuine, personal faith, leading to a Christ-centered life in everything they do.
Sunday School
Join us Sunday mornings as we journey together through the Bible with The Gospel Project curriculum learning about God's world, man's sin, God's savior, and man's redemption. This study is a 3-year, church-wide course that takes us from Genesis to Revelation.

Wednesday Night Bible Study
Following the Spotsylvania County school year calendar, come gather with us every Wednesday night for games, fellowship, and Bible study as we seek to build meaningful relationships and grow in our desire for God and His word. (Note: During the summer months, we meet from 6:30–7:30pm.)

Friday Night Fellowship
At the beginning of the month, we gather together for food, games, movies, and other fun activities at various locations in order to connect and build relationships while giving students the opportunity to hangout, relax, and socialize with their peers. (Note: Due to changing schedules and planned events, not all months will have a First Friday Fellowship. Contact the church office for First Friday details.)

Seasonal Events
Join us throughout the year as we embark on various adventures, both local and greater, whether it be experiencing an escape room, having thrills at an amusement park, or growing deeper in faith through a getaway student retreat. Contact the church office for upcoming events.

Goshen Guild

Calling all adventurers! With swords strapped, and quivers full, it's monster hunting time! Coming January 21, 2024 and meeting every third Sunday from 1:30-4:00 pm, the Goshen Guild (GG) outreach will meet monthly for collaborative story-telling and fun using the Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) table-top role-playing game (TTRGP). This event is open to all middle and high school students, with the intention of growing leadership, teamwork, and communication skills while providing a safe place to play.
Next meeting: Feb. 18, 2024. 1-30 pm-4:00 pm
Next meeting: Feb. 18, 2024. 1-30 pm-4:00 pm